
Telling Headline

Telling Headline

I was browsing through the Church of God website today when I found this interesting headline. Instead of saying that a conference discussing the church planting mandate was postponed it says that the church planting mandate itself is postponed. While I am sure that is merely a case of bad wording for a headline, but [...] »

Church Ministry’s "Collapse of Distinction"

I just finished another "must read" (in my opinion) secular/business book by Scott McKain entitled, "the collapse of distinction." Needless to say, This book "rocked" my thought process.Romans 12:2 "be Transformed by the renewing of your mind"I find myself sleepless at night trying to "unpack" his business concerns and advise and push it into this church world i live in. Merging his content from t... »

Long Day http://goo.gl/fb/GF1xP #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/zHDqu #ourCOG

Long Day http://goo.gl/fb/GF1xP #ourCOG http://goo.gl/fb/zHDqu #ourCOG »

Ready to show some HS boys from @ncogyouth how REAL men play basketball tomorrow… http://goo.gl/fb/Y1wgL #ourCOG

Ready to show some HS boys from @ncogyouth how REAL men play basketball tomorrow… http://goo.gl/fb/Y1wgL #ourCOG »