
A Name Change and a Vision

You may have noticed that the name of this blog has changed slightly from “Riding Blind” to “Riding Shotgun.” I never meant to imply that God leaves us in the dark about His plans completely. After all, He gave us 66 books of meaty goodness to learn all about that. Mainly, the title simply meant [...] »

Madsen Cycles

Madsen Cycles

So I totally want to win one of these bikes so we can cart Tessa all over the place! Can’t you just see Ben pulling her along the greenway in Cleveland? I bet we could fit Maggie and Delaney in there too! How fun : ) »

Vibram – Fivefingers Shoe Review

Vibram – Fivefingers Shoe Review

So in a few weeks, I will be breaking these out for every day wear. For now they are just for walking, hiking, and recreational activities. I introduce you to the future of shoes. Vibram Fivefingers are an innovative new shoe. Day 1 I just bought my Vibram fivefingers shoes at Great Outdoors Provision. They [...] »

What Is the Church?

As I’m continuing to scheme and read, I came across this definition of church that I couldn’t have put better myself. Enjoy: “The local church is a community of regenerated believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord. In obedience to Scripture, they organize under qualified leadership, gather regularly for preaching and worship, observe the biblical [...] »