

A name is something huge!! Whether it’s a child or an event, when you put a label/name on it, it begins to live up (or down) to its name. That’s the power of naming. In my opinion, everything that is born of God deserves a good name. In giving a name to your youth ministry or event, it is important to think about what it says about who your are and how it will appeal to both churched ... »

It’s only just begun…

It’s only just begun…

This kid of ours has two teeth now. TWO. She’s not even five months old yet. They are the cutest little teeth I’ve ever seen. And it’s possible that we don’t refer to them as teeth, but rather “teef” or “teefers.” Ugh. We are those parents. Tess has done remarkably well considering she’s been teething [...] »

Funny email I received about Life

LIFE On the first day, God created the dog and said, “Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who comes in or walks past. For this, I will give you a life span of twenty years.” The dog said, “That’s a long time to be barking. How about only [...] »

Book Recommendation: Girls on the Edge by Leonard Sax

One the greatest joys in my private practice is being part of the journey for so many girls and their families.  Each family is unique in the strengths and struggles.  My respect for my clients and their resiliency through the … Continue reading → »