
Prayer Seminar at River Hills (Tampa, FL)

Prayer Seminar at River Hills (Tampa, FL)

On July 23-25, Kerry and I will be returning to River Hills Church of God in Tampa, Florida to conduct another "Praying Church" seminar. This year's theme is "Spirit-Enabled Prayer."Seminar sessions will be conducted Friday night and Saturday morning. ... »

Welcoming Tessa Jane. 40 Weeks.

Welcoming Tessa Jane. 40 Weeks.

Warning: grab some coffee or a red bull. This is going to take awhile. If you’d like to skip all the reading though, there are PICTURES BELOW!!! Cassie’s POV (Ben will be offering his later): It’s true what they say. That time goes by so quickly once you have a child. It’s been two months [...] »

No, I Am Not Dead.

No, I Am Not Dead.

Two months.It's been two months to the day since I last posted. In that time, I have created a short film, jumped off a mountain, been surrounded by skulls, climbed to the top of a 650-year-old cathedral, been in Hitler's bunker, summited the eleventh ... »

Thinking about healing…2

Historically, Pentecostals have understood the gifts (charisms) as some being primarily personally edifying, or serving of others, and eschatological (end times evangelism). However, all gifts are for the building up of the community (koinonia). What ... »