
It’s Darkest before Dawn

One moment it is dark, and the next moment, we see light. This is the dawning of the day.And this could be the outcome of the Health Care bill tomorrow. The vote will come tomorrow afternoon. Right now, they say they have the votes to pass the bill. Bu... »

Trinity – 1 God, yet 3 distinct persons???

Last night, I did a message on wrapping your mind around the Trinity, as much as humanly possible. It is a very complex issue that can't be watered down to a single analogy. However, scriptures make it abundantly clear there is 1 God in 3 distinct persons. I broke this message down into what I call, "3 Trinity Truths." In order to "show" my students what I'm talking about, I used a simple, yet ver... »

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence, written in 1776, was the beginning of the independence of the original 13 colonies from Britain.I found some great information on a website which is entitled The Declaration of Independence, 1776.More information can be... »

Jerry Lawson Brainstorms Us through A New Church Planting Mandate

When the Committee of Action executed the reduction of the Tithe of Tithe from 15% to 10%, they eliminated 100% of the church planting mandate for the Church of God.  A renewed commitment to church planting is needed for our fellowship during this era where for the first time in our history we are closing [...] »