
Spoken. TONIGHT!

I have previously had the opportunity to open up for Spoken, when I played with They Came Running last year.Tonight, Spoken is visiting theElement here in Cleveland, and it's gonna be pretty darn rockin. That's all I have to say about that. »

Multiple and Varied Prayer Models

Multiple and Varied Prayer Models

Over the years I have learned that the best way to involve the entire congregation in prayer is to provide multiple and varied models and opportunities for prayer.  What appeals to one will not appeal to all.  What fits one person's schedule ... »

Questions about Prayer Ministry Development

Questions about Prayer Ministry Development

What challenges have you faced in the effort to develop the ministry of prayer in the local church?  Are there questions with which you have wrestled?I don't have all of the answers, but would you consider posting your question as a "Comment" in r... »

What is lacking cannot be numbered

Eccl 1:15 What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot be numbered. (NKJV) I'm somewhat reluctant to make a commitment like this, but I'm going to attempt to blog my way through the book of Ecclesiastes. That means that most o... »