
One Prayer 2009

Posted on January 13, 2009 by travjohnson Craig Groeschel just announced the One Prayer details for June 2009. Is anyone planning on participating in this message series/project Life Pointe Church is planning on it. I announced it here. — Who are some of the COG guys you would like to see participate — Who are some of the guys in the Church in general that you would like to have come s... »

Beyond the Self

Beyond the Self

In today’s postmodern western context there is a great desire to become more aware of the self. Who am I? What do I want out of life? What will make me happy? These have become common questions. This fixation with introspection stems from our desire to reach a certain level [...] »

I Like Jesus…and Bourbon.

FROM ROBALDERMAN.NET “I Like Jesus…and Bourbon.” For a long time now, my tag on the interwebs has read, “I like Jesus…and Bourbon.” The phrase dates back to the beginning of Troubletown records and a conversation that I had with my friend and business partner at the time, Casey Tuggle. While I don’t remember every detail [...] »

Non Sequitur

FROM THE BLOG OF M.D.MCMULLIN Non Sequitur is a Latin term that basically means “does not follow”.  It’s used when someone’s line of reasoning does not follow the trajectory already set.  In other words, someone’s conclusions make no sense based on the previous statements.  Some are obvious. “My uncle loves jelly . . .  I [...] »