
Here Be Leaders

What do you see? Amid the cars on blocks, the guys lounging on the porch with beer cans and cigarettes, the women with shirts that don’t cover enough, the houses missing windows, the peeling paint, the curling siding—what do you see? I see two groups of sweaty fishermen worn out from a fruitless catch. I [...] »

The Realist And The Optimist

2 Cor 1:88 For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. (NKJ)Some may be surprised to know this verse is even in the ... »

We made history in Ohio…

Posted in OneOhioThe historic Ohio state ministers’ meeting in Columbus this week resulted in several key points: There is an obvious momentum toward the future among our ministry.  How that will translate to a more missional and relationship based environment remains to be seen. The State Council proposal for Regional Communities and Regional Elders was widely accepted [...] »

The influence of a good man…

Posted in leadershipLast Sunday, I was in a church where the pastor pointed out a woman who was the daughter of the late Pastor Robert Graham.  Robert Graham pastored in Ohio, primarily in the southern half of the state and among the churches he pastored was Middletown (known as Harlan Park at the time, I think) and [...] »