
Have A Wonderful Day

Have A Wonderful Day

We are sending out many Happy Birthday wishes Billy Joe Pickett. We hope today is a  wonderful experience for you. We love you. “Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.” »

Introducing Jeannette ChessThe Life of a Missionary Print E-mail Image Jeanette Chesser preaching Six weeks of my three monther – Missionary

The following article was written by one of our guest lecturers in Moscow. You can read it also here. Jeanette Chesser preaching Six weeks of my three months in Moscow have now past at the Church of God Eurasian Seminary, living in a dorm room. There ... »

Latest News from Moscow

The latest newsletter from Moscow is now available. To view, click on this link.http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs072/1101898662382/archive/1102520172097.html »

Gotta Love Journalists…

You decide….how in the world did Andrea Matthews get the information in this article from the questions that I answered! I love it when journalists twist your words to work for their agendas. See the article online that was published and read the que... »