
On Counseling Children

Raising children, in today’s society, can be a challenging endeavor. Children are introduced to information and experiences at a much younger age.  Stressors and exposure to traumatic situations are at a high.  Parents and caregivers are often confused and unsure … Continue reading → »

Tessa Jane: 4 months

Tessa Jane: 4 months

While we were pregnant we received loads of advice from anyone and everyone, most of it welcomed with some of going in one ear and out the other. Some of the advice was excellent while some of it was “eh”. There was one phrase that we seemed to hear from almost everyone though: they grow [...] »

Remembering 9/11

Little did we know that September 11, 2001 was going to be a day like no other day in American history. Early risers had nothing to warn them of what was about to happen in the early morning hours of that Tuesday morning.I was sleeping a little late th... »

5 Stages Of Effective Vision Transference

If you are going to successfully pass on a new area of vision to your student ministry, you must walk through each of the stages one at a time and in this order:1) The Personal Stage. This is the stage where the Lord puts the vision firmly in your heart through careful prayer, study and practical research. Long before you ever get it out of your mouth, it should marinate for a long time in your h... »