
The Holy Spirit & Desert Roads

The Holy Spirit & Desert Roads

Crowds throng to the flash, the pomp, the explosive, the sensational. We want to see the explosive (dunamis) power of the Holy Spirit. We equate the Holy Spirit with explosive and immediate power. Well, we should. Holy Spirit power is explosive power! But, it is not only the power to see the extraordinary or Acts [...] »

Bartering Your Calling for Your Comfort

Bartering Your Calling for Your Comfort

It’s funny how the goal posts have moved. We judge our faith quality by how God blesses us…as if God is the great cosmic pinata and our prayers are the stick that manipulates the candy out of the sky. Seemingly, gone are the days of conquest, spiritual adventure, raw Spirit-empowered engagement, pioneering, and the raising [...] »

A Leader’s Prayer…..

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Doesn’t true leadership begin with understanding? Understanding Who (and where) He is? Understanding how finite our perspective really is in comparison? Wisdom drips from this prayer. Most leadership styles prominent today are motivational [...] »

Remembering Our Heritage: What Happens When the Holy Spirit Saturates Our Souls

Remembering Our Heritage: What Happens When the Holy Spirit Saturates Our Souls

It’s easy for us to face off in different corners of the room advocating style preferences, etc… Styles change. Ministry flavor changes. God never changes. Neither does His calling on us as a people. Let’s not embrace style too tightly. In fact, throw style out the window…unless style alters solid doctrine (then we better have [...] »