
FRIDAY: Around the COGblogosphere in 60 Seconds

Posted on August 29, 2008 by travjohnson The COGblogosphere is getting bigger by the second. Check it out: — A picture of Arvil Ogle and Todd Sturgell wearing suits and singing Look What the Lord Has Done in San Antonio. — More thoughts from Ben Liles on the upcoming launch of GenesisChurch.tv west campus. — A video from Brian Hunter explaining the launch of their second site. &#... »

The Haves and the Have Nots

Posted on March 14, 2008 by Steve Wright I was once told by a former Presiding Bishop that it wasnt possible to bring together the haves and the have nots. You see, it has for the longest time been my deep running call in my heart to see this happen, even if it seems to be impossible. In San Francisco God gave me a little taste of the possibility near the end of my call there and it has only incre... »

Technology= no honorarium

Posted on March 31, 2008 by Steve Wright Hey Guys, Check out Mark Batterson. He is bringing in world-class communicators to speak at his church via video. Kinda cool. What are your thoughts on this How could we use this in our circle/world Also, here is another post about it from Perry Noble. Here is the video talking about it. Filed under: technology | 5 Comments » »

How we replanted and refocused to be more on-mission (part 3)

Posted on January 9, 2008 by travjohnson As we took on the task of re-imagining church in Homestead, FL, we looked around: — at how other churches were positioning themselves, — to see who was being ignored, — at demographic trends, — at emerging population centers in our community, and — at who we were. Heres what we found: THE POSITIONS OF OTHER CHURCHES IN OUR COMM... »