
What is your churchs strategy to penetrate the unbelieving culture in your community

Posted on August 22, 2008 by Matt Boyd I think its great when the Church of God grows by amalgamation. But I dont get excited about it… Continue reading → Filed under: church of god | 10 Comments » »

Ed Stetzers Words to Denominational Leaders

Posted on December 10, 2008 by travjohnson Ed Stetzer meets with the Illinois AG District and says to make it about the mission, not about the machine. In this video, they discuss recruitment of young ministers, denominational resourcing, church planting, property acquisition for churches, and perpetuation of denominational apparatus vs perpetuation of the Mission of Jesus. Your thoughts For more ... »

How did Abraham achieve the prominence of Genesis 23:6?

In Genesis 23, we find Abraham wanting to bury his wife Sarah. He wanted a burial place among the sons of Heth. We find these words in Genesis 23:6 spoken to Abraham by the men at the gate: “Hear us, my lord: You are a mighty prince among... »

God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages

Worldwide, more than 7,000 languages are spoken in 195 different countries (Genesis 11:7). Wonderfully, the Bible—or portions of it—has been translated into more than 3,000 of these tongues; in some form. Christians are found in most of the nationaliti... »