
The Chrysalis Conjecture :: By George E. Schwalm

In this commentary, we will take a look at the resurrection, or more specifically, our resurrection, and the effects it will have on us. Starting at, well, the beginning, Adam and Eve being spiritually innocent, were perfectly justified running around ... »

The Great Persecution :: By The Gospelist

Eusebius (c 260-339 A.D.) is widely considered to be the father of church history. He traced the history of the church from Christ to Constantine and provided a detailed account of many important events during that time period. Although Eusebius was no... »

Old Earth or Young Earth?

Young Earth or Old Earth? A simple reading of Genesis chapter one tells us that God created the entire universe in six days and... »

Did Jonah actually die in the whale?

I know the common understanding is that Jonah waited, alive and conscious, in the belly of the whale until he was spat out. Has a euphemized "children's version" become accepted truth? Perhaps we can set preconceptions aside for the momen... »