
A Life Transformed

Come with us on a journey through Joseph's story, which is actually about tall of Jacob's sons. Who else has a transformed character, and who will be written out of the story?Register for Dr. Lizorkin-Eyzenberg's course The Story of Our Hebrew... »

Did Moses fast for 81-days straight in Deuteronomy 9:9-18?

Did Moses fast (without food or water) for 81-days straight in Deuteronomy 9:9-18 | Or did Moses eat & drink in verses 12-17? If the descent from Mount Horeb, destruction of the Golden Calf, and ascension back up Mount Horeb took... »

Decentralizing the Church for Impact and Community

Posted on March 7, 2008 by travjohnson One of the stresses of being the guy in charge is just that, being the guy in charge. Becoming the organizational, spiritual, missional, educational, or community bottleneck in a corporate church structure is not the path to community transformation. If we truly believe in the priesthood of all believers, our churches should reflect a dispersed responsibility... »

Correcting Social Injustices

Posted on May 14, 2008 by travjohnson In our Practical Commitments, subheading VII, division B (p.81 in the 2006 General Assembly Minutes, we have the following statement concerning Correcting Social Injustices: Love for others and the recognition of the equal worth of all people in the sight of God (Acts 10:34; 17:26) should compel us to take steps to improve the situation of those who are underp... »