
Jesus and the Resurrection

Dig in and watch the Hot Topic Seminar called Jews and Greek on the Underworld and AfterlifeSign up for Dr. Nicholas Schaser's course Resurrection in Jewish Texts and Traditions.Find out how you can get this and many other courses with one sma... »

One Composer’s Conception of Time

“I saw a mighty angel descending from heaven, clad in a cloud, having a rainbow upon his head. His face was like the sun, his feet like pillars of fire. He placed his right foot on the sea, his left foot on the land; and, supporting himself on the sea ... »

Pentecostalism As A Christian Mystical Tradition, Written By Daniel Castelo

404 book reviews Daniel Castelo Pentecostalism as a Christian Mystical Tradition(Grand Rapids,mi: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2017). vii + 194 pp., $30.00 paperback.... »

Should a Protestant accept the Nicene Creed?

In chapter 24.1 of his authoritative book on the fourth century Arian Controversy - The Search for the Christian Doctrine of God - Bishop RPC Hanson discusses how the various parties in that controversy used the Bible to defend their posit... »