
Praise and Worship | November 8, 2020

Praise and Worship | November 8, 2020

Minister of Music and Media, Steven Allen leading in worship with the Westmore Praise Team and Band singing, “Victory In Jesus,” “Let The Worshippers Arise,” “The Blessing,” and “I Speak Jesus.” The Westmore Sanctuary Choir ministering in song with “Thou Oh Lord.” Praise and Worship from Sunday, November 8, 2020 . Your generosity helps this min... »

Refresh at Noon

Refresh at Noon


Election Result Behavior | Pastor Kelvin Page

Election Result Behavior | Pastor Kelvin Page

Pastor Kelvin Page’s message “Election Result Behavior” from Sunday, November 8, 2020. Your generosity helps this ministry move forward! Give online at ? Subscribe to this channel for timely messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration: For more information about Westmore, visit ... »

King od Kings

King od Kings

In the midst of political division and disunity among our communities, we must have the compassion, focus and restraint to bring Americans and believers together instead of further dividing us. No matter who leads our nation, we are first led by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jesus. When we don’t have the answers, the King has the answers. The kingdom authority is not relegated to Heaven... »