World Missions

Rev. Ruben Ferrell

Ruben and Trisha Ferrell met at the Living Word Church of God in 2000. They were married in that church in September of that year. They have three wonderful children Ruben "Ben," Alexis, and Paityn. For the past 21 years, they have both served their local church as Sunday School teachers, praise team members, [...] »

Children Deserve Better

Children Deserve Better

Earlier this month, a riot and fire happened at Hogar Seguro, a large government-run orphanage in Guatemala City, because children and teenagers living in the facility protested the documented abuse and notoriously inhumane living conditions. Dozens of teenage girls died … Continue reading → »

Walter Greiner

Pastor Walter Greiner passed away in December 2022. The Greiners served in the Holy Land during the 1970s and expanded the Ministry Center on the Mount of Olives. They also ministered in Bethlehem and at Aboud. During their time of leadership, Walt... »

Timor Leste

Timor Leste is situated in Indonesia with forty-five percent of the population under the age of 15 years old. Effective strategies to reach the Timorese are meeting their physical and emotional needs. Please pray for the Timorese people to be receptive to the gospel story. »