World Missions

We are the Hopeful

I was thinking of some words I want to embrace as this new year begins to unfold with all of its uncertainty. Words that bring healing, not affliction, peace and not pain, perspective and not depression, and praise instead of fear. So, I would like to just look at a chosen word. The Bible is [...] »

Christ’s Birthday Offering: When we reach out, God reaches in!

God reached down to earth with the gift of His Son. We reach out with the gift of Jesus to the world. It isn’t hard to imagine a dad, forlornly considering how he will provide for his family because the COVID lockdowns eliminated his day job. It isn’t hard to hear the echoes of a [...] »

God is Listening, God is Seeing

“But Peter and the Apostles replied, We must obey God rather than any human authority.” ( Acts 5:29 NLT) This is the determined reply given by these servants of the Lord when instructed by the authorities of their day that they could no longer preach and teach the truth about Jesus and the Word of God. [...] »

A Flashback Father’s Day

Papa Carl A prominent religious leader once said: “Let us remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm, and look forward to the future with confidence.” The following story encompasses all that; it is the kind of story everyone loves to hear, especially when the saving grace of Jesus rescued a soul that [...] »