World Missions

We Need a Place to Distribute Those Potatoes

“We need a place to distribute those potatoes that you are going to send us.” I was the new kid on the block as field director of Europe/CIS/Middle East/Russia. Although I had spent the last 28 years in administration, the majority of my work had been stateside. I was still setting up my new office [...] »

Constanta, Romania

Constanta is the oldest continuously in habited city in Romania. It offers Roman archaeological treasures with a blend of Christian and Muslim architecture in the old town city center. It’s a bridge city to the Black Sea and it’s beach resorts. Constanta is the Muslim capital of Romania. It is estimated that Muslims comprise [...] »

Church of God PRAYER ALERT – Coronavirus Statement

Church of God PRAYER ALERT – Coronavirus Statement

DATE: MARCH 7, 2020 FROM: DR. TIMOTHY M. HILL SUBJECT: CORONAVIRUS STATEMENT As the world navigates through the complexities of dealing with the coronavirus issue, please be aware that the Church of God takes very seriously the health of all our ministers, employees, and church attenders. It is our plan to assure that every possible consideration and precaution is taken. Likewise, I would personal... »

No Longer Orphans: Michael and Mihaela Gravitt

Suddenly Michael Gravitt was an orphan. He had just married his wife, Mihaela, when his parents and brother died a short time apart. It didn’t make sense. This should have been the happiest time in his life, yet he was suffering deep loss and the sorrow that comes from not having a family.  “I didn't [...] »