World Missions

A Greeting of Peace

    A Greeting of Peace In the 10th chapter of Luke, Jesus sends out his followers with clear instructions; As you enter a home, first say, "Peace be to this house." Understanding the importance of first impressions, Jesus taught his laborers that the word peace was powerful and that greeting would open the doors [...] »

World Missions Remembers Sister Pearl Lowe

Church of God World Missions regrets to inform that Sister Pearl Lowe, age 87, passed away on October 2, 2020, in Green Turtle Cay, Bahamas. Sister Lowe’s grandson Johnny now pastors the Green Turtle Cay New Testament Church of God, where she once pastored, considered the oldest continuing Church of God outside the United States. [...] »

From The Director: The Lion is Waiting

I came across this photograph of a waiting lion, lying in the grass on the African plain. I took the picture a few years ago while on a mission’s trip. Many things I remember vividly about that trip, preaching to African leaders and ministers of various nations, visiting and hearing children sing of Christ in [...] »

Update Report: COVID-19 Pandemic Situation in Latin America

Presented by Dr. Angel Marcial E., Field Director of Latin America The challenge of the Church of God Latin America (IDDLA), in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, has not slowed down, it continues to increase in every way: contagion within both pastoral families and parishioners, the lack of economic support within a large percentage [...] »