Change Is Rarely Easy

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Releasing to God what I think I control is often hard for me. I suspect the same might be true of you from time to time. However, releasing things to God is the only way truly to live. All of us have something in our lives that needs to be changed for the better, but letting go of it and turning it over to God can be a difficult task to obey. Change is rarely easy, but it’s needed to move forward with God. I think for the most part we all have a desire to follow God but many times our lives, our own plans; our un-confessed sins keep us running in a circle.

We love the circle because it’s predictable. Following God is not predictable but you can be certain He knows where He is going. He will see you through any change no matter how big or how small. The creator has built change and transitions into life. The only one that doesn’t change is God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can’t control the seasons or transitions, but We can control how we respond to the changes.

Change is rarely easy, but it’s needed to move forward with God.

To hear more and go deeper listen to the message, Change Is Rarely Easy.