Church of God Resolutions on RACISM AND ETHNIC DISPARITY (2000)
WHEREAS the Church of God from its inception has contended to be inclusive of peoples regardless of gender, cultural background or race; and
WHEREAS the 50th General Assembly in 1964 adopted a resolution on human rights affirming the worth of every individual; and
WHEREAS every race bears the image of God and has its origin in Adam who is the Father of all mankind; and
WHEREAS in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slaves nor free men, men nor women, but we are all one in Him; and
WHEREAS the Resolution on Leadership and World Vision in the 1990 General Assembly Minutes commits the church to be “international…transcending culture, race, nationalism, and politics”; and
WHEREAS we are beholden to a Christlike example and lifestyle, one of acceptance, affirmation, and unconditional love;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this International General Assembly recognizes all members of the body of Christ as equal in function and consequence, and every race and ethnic distinction a valuable and necessary field for the winning of souls and the furtherance of the kingdom of God upon this earth; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we commit towards the elimination of racism and bigotry, corporately identifying racism and bigotry as sinful hindrances which prevent us from truly realizing brotherhood and Christian love within and outside the body of the international church and the many peoples and races which it reaches and encompasses (68th A., 2000, p. 89).