COG: Its Just the Same old Song…

Posted on July 15, 2008 by tomsterbens
The way things have been are the way things will be….theyve been this way too long to change now. What does that say about us Do we just sound like a broken record Are we just becoming a bunch of whiners We say…Its Just the same old Church of God song…nothing will change. Unfortunately, maybe its true, but……..
Psalm 19:14 says, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
The Psalmist David says, My words…………………..AND my meditations.
The word for meditation in the Hebrew language may seem a bit strange. It can mean, a muttering to oneself, whispering, song, music, melody, to strum the harp and it can mean as well planning or plotting. Wow….what a span and combination of images. The Psalmist says simply, the meditations of our heart.
Are we just a group of people, muttering under our breath
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