COG World Missions: Souls for Sale. CHEAP!!!

Posted on July 24, 2008 by tomsterbens
For the last few years in particular, I have been told by several members of the Executive Council of how wasteful Church of God World Missions is with their funding. I have been told and read that World Missions, spends the entire allotment of the 2½% in Cleveland, and that one of the primary benefits of a unified budget would be to increase the efficiency of World Missions. I have also read the same in several posts and comments in online forums.
If those allegations are true, I have not yet been able to substantiate that.
Recently, I began rambling around through the Minutes of the General Assembly I have on disk, it includes the years 1906 – 2006. (Its really cool how quickly you can search through the stuff. You can pick it up at the COG Dixon Pentecostal Research Center). Anyway, I began to plug in some numbers on a spread sheet and became really fascinated with what the bottom line had to say.
Disclaimer: I am no statistician by any stretch and I am certain there are all sorts of violations of standardization, no conditional probabilities, which no doubt skews empirical viability. However, I think you will get my point and see some heart moving data below:
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