Concerning the jerking motions associated with the power of The…
Concerning the jerking motions associated with the power of The Holy Spirit, looking at truth exposed by The Holy Spirit, Whom they have a strong conscience to stare at forcibly reprograms the Christian’s nervous system as they accept truth about previously encoded lies. A repetitious jerking motion either digs deeper into something in waves or is consciously caused by a person without perfect understanding in the matter, especially as seen in the practical situations where many are gathered and pride has taken over. Looking at God using the power of The Holy Spirit to tactilely experience an understanding of God does expose His truth to the Christian’s subconscious nervous system, which jerks in the same way of a normal response to facing truth where before there was a lie.
When you think of something that is both true and horrible which your mind has normally kept shut off from your sight, do you shudder? Do you then stare into the realization more deeply, or does your shuddering carry you away from the trauma of accepting that truth? There is a grace of The Holy Spirit of revealing truth, which is done so firmly that the Christian cannot look away and done so gently and lovingly to the mind that the Christian does not want to look away from God’s light, wherein that Christian’s nervous system is forced into a rapid reprogramming to accept truth. It happens in waves, to get the same repetition, and it happens in layers to get different repetitions over time as different depths of lies are dealt with. There can be a significant amount of convulsive non-weeping as the mind is taken up with the grandeur of the glory of God and the body is forced to follow the mind.
## “Test 1: The true work of The Holy Spirit exalts Jesus Christ.” – John MacArthur, “Testing the Spirits”, YouTube, Grace to You, November 7, 2013, ~23:33, reference 1 John 4:2-3
# Gaining ability to unflinchingly look at true things does exult Jesus Christ, who is the top ruler in all reality.
I think I should mention that Jesus is Master, has come to Earth in the flesh, has purposely died on the cross for our sins and God raised Him from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures. Now, brace yourself in an attitude of prayer to Master Jesus in the power of The Holy Spirit, which we should not deny in order to accept the mere form of godliness, like some are guilty of. Now, whatever you think later about it, please go reread the paragraphs above and believe all true things. If you find either Scriptural support or fault with it, please spell it out here.