# **Confusion concerning God’s sovereignty and our free will.** #…
# **Confusion concerning God’s sovereignty and our free will.**
# God has given free will to both His angelic and human creation in order that love and relationship with Him can manifest in purity and authenticity. God’s immutability, omniscience, sovereignty, is not inhibited by our ability to choose our own destiny. Our omnipotent God is perfectly capable of working through and around our individual choices to accomplish His perfect, immutable, will.
# You are free to choose to honor God the Father by grace through faith in the Son, Jesus Christ, and receive forgiveness of sin and eternal LIFE – or – you can choose to reject Jesus Christ and serve Satan by default and die in your sin and die the “second death” in Hell (John 8:24).
# Your sin WILL be dealt with either by trusting in Jesus as your Mediator for sin while you are living in the Age of Grace – or – your sin will be dealt with at the Judgment of the Condemned subsequent to the Millennial Reign of Messiah (Rev. 20:11-15). God the Father is NOT going to permit your unrepentant sin to enter His Kingdom subsequent to the death of your body in Time; therefore, the “choice” is yours to make, please choose wisely (Rev. 21:27).