Converting the Gaze: From Gazing to Seeing in Richard Wilbur’s “The Eye” ourCOG April 28, 2022 1:00 pm #ourCOG 1 This paper draws on aspects of Jean-Luc Marion’s account of “saturated phenomena” to explain Richard Wilbur’s poem “The Eye.” In Being Given and elsewhere, Marion contrasts “seeing,” a mode of… Facebook Comments By ourCOG Related Posts #MaryDidYouKnow that #MaryDidYouKnow would be a popular song about your BABY and water? That sounds unsafe. #justsaying #ourCOG #COG WHAT A BLESSING ! This week my s.s. check came… How should Christians react or respond to the ever-growing claims… getting ‘Ready 4 Christmas’ means: 1) Making room 2) Confessing 3) Repenting 4) Producing #ourCoG could learn from this, I did!