CUP OF TREMBLING: Israel Launches ‘Operation Swords Of Iron’ In Response To Palestinian Surprise Attack But Hamas Accomplishing Shocking Tactical Victories

The IDF was striking the southern region and communities near the Gaza Strip with multiple operational forces it said Saturday afternoon in Operation ‘Swords of Iron’, but Hamas has made huge gains

Today we saw something not seen since the regathering of Israel in 1948, we saw a line get crossed from which there can be no going back. In the early morning hours, the Palestinian terror group Hamas, which is funded by Iran, launched a surprise attack on Israel, the shock and scope of which is truly terrifying. Already we have seen videos of Hamas terror cells going from house to house, and gunning down Jews by the dozens if not in the hundreds.

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.” Zechariah 12:2 (KJB)

I can only imagine the shock and disbelief that Netanyahu and his entire cabinet must be feeling right now. All over X, unbelievable videos are being posted showing Palestinian terrorists kidnapping and brutalizing hundreds of Israeli citizens, entire IDF military sites being seized. How on Earth can this be taking place? The IDF is one of the most pro-active and vigilant defense mechanisms that exists anywhere in the world, and yet, it was caught completely off-guard with no advance warning. That tells me that this is from the hand of the LORD, that what we are watching is a preparation for the time of Jacob’s trouble. Now we are off the headlines and into the pages of prophetic scripture.

Pay close attention today, you are watching something you have never seen before. The question we should be asking right now is this, has Iran declared war on Israel?   The other question you have to ask yourself is, and it’s nearly to impossible to ponder, could Israel actually lose? Pray for the Jewish people and pray for the nation of Israel, there is something much bigger at work here.


IDF strikes Hamas as operation ‘Swords of Iron’ commences

FROM NEWSWEEK: The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said it is launching ‘Operation Swords of Iron’ to strike back against Hamas. The militant group in the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented, multi-front attack on Israel at daybreak on Saturday. The Associated Press said that Hamas fired thousands of rockets, while dozens of Hamas fighters infiltrated the heavily fortified border in several locations by air, land and sea.

Videos on social media showed Hamas fighters parading what appeared to be stolen Israeli military vehicles through the streets. Another video appeared to show at least one dead Israeli soldier within Gaza being dragged and trampled by an angry crowd of Palestinians shouting “God is Great.”

In a video posted on X, formerly Twitter, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country was “at war”.

“Citizens of Israel. We are at war, not an operation, not an escalation, a war,” he said.

“This morning, Hamas launched a murderous surprise attack against the state of Israel and its citizens,” Netanyahu added. He declared a mass mobilization of the country’s army reserves.

“The enemy will pay a price he has never known,” Netanyahu said. “In the meantime, I call on all citizens of Israel to strictly obey the instructions of the army and the instructions of the Home Command. We are in a war and we will win it.”

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced the launch of an operation called ‘Swords of Iron’.

“The IDF is initiating a large-scale operation to defend Israeli civilians against the combined attack launched against Israel by Hamas this morning,” the post said.

The Israeli military said it had launched air strikes into Gaza. “This morning, approximately 2,200 rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory,” the Israeli Air Force (IAF) wrote alongside a 50-second clip on the X, showing the strikes on targets in Gaza. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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