d day is here
On Thursday (day after tomorrow) some crazy friends and I will be riding our bikes 120 miles. We are doing so to raise funds for the children of International Orphan Support, a non-profit organization that exists to address the plight of needy orphans in 3rd world countries. The trek is around the 2nd largest lake in the US, the largest in Florida. Lake Okeechobee spans 5 counties.
If you feel compelled to contribute, even after our ride, you may do so at: 120 for Orphans on Crowdrise.com. Every penny will go to the children. We have two specific projects we are funding: the construction of a well at an orphanage in Dufailly, Haiti and beds and food for orphans in Guatemala. Our goal is $10,000, although we’ve already surpassed that goal! There is no such thing as too much support for these kids so feel free to give generously.
Would appreciate you passing this along and praying for the riders on this project.
Pix and video to come!