@dasjr @bibliata we need a system of tracking #ourCOG ministers based: 1. how often they wear jeans to Church 2. say "that is OK" ourCOG November 28, 2011 4:44 pm #ourCOG 0 @dasjr @bibliata we need a system of tracking #ourCOG ministers based: 1. how often they wear jeans to Church 2. say “that is OK” Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts Dennis Page’s calendar goes from March 31 to April 2. #ourCOG #letusDPin2012 Critical Thinking Skill #2 – Dr. Eric Moyen.mov Things I’m learning @ #passion2012: 1. Cracker barrel is empty 2. The Holy Spirit can’t get a seat at stake and shake #COG #OURCOG Stay true to God. He is shaking, moving, seperating, sifting, testing, and reproving…He is building a Kingdom #ourCOG