@dasjr preached for Jason Garner over the weekend. He says Hi. We had a blast with the missional conference at YORK. @least I did :) #ourCOG ourCOG March 1, 2011 11:38 am #ourCOG 0 @dasjr preached for Jason Garner over the weekend. He says Hi. We had a blast with the missional conference at YORK. @least I did 🙂 #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts if you come into #ourCOG with all that noise I will go Georgetown** on you Join us today @10:45 for "Missions for Ireland" @pastornickpark ! #ourCOG Why is it I have got NO pioneers for Christ references… what… no one uses that stuff? That is a shame. #ourCOG Greatest gun buddy ever? What range you guys at? RT @cguyton Shooting with Dr. Raymond Culpepper this morning. #greatman #ourCOG