@dasjr San Francisco #49rs vs giants ALIKE David vs Goliath #ourCOG ourCOG January 23, 2012 3:19 am #ourCOG 0 @dasjr San Francisco #49rs vs giants ALIKE David vs Goliath #ourCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts ¿ʍou sıɥʇ sı ʇɐɥʍ oS #ourCOG My grandson called me to tell me that he was reading confessions by saint augustine I went to my knees and pray for fire from heaven.#ourCOG Thanks to Jamie & Judy Jacobs with @i_will_dwell who came and visited with us while Praying for Cleveland http://goo.gl/faYyo #ourCOG “@RickWarren #Christmas in a nutshell: GOD IS WITH US!” #OURCOG