Day 17/40
This year's 40-days season has experienced the largest attendance ever / people are hungry to learn how to practice Sabbath Living in the 21st century.
“I have stopped saying to people, ‘Have a good day.’ Good days don’t just happen. Good days are created. I now say, ‘create a good day.’”
_Leonard Sweet, Soul Salsa, page 144
This is a Sabbath principle. The first six days of creation were “good” in God’s estimation. It was only from the perspective of the seventh day that God announced that creation was “very good.” I am convinced that somewhere in every Christ-followers journey that they are going to have to land on a particular day each week to lift above the rest and announce as “holy” and declare that day their Sabbath. Only then will they really begin to create good days. This is what we are studying during the week at our prayer services.
In this era of increasing stress the answer for coping is to not discover ways to decrease the stress in our lives but to increase the peace in our lives. Stress is most often a result of outside influences of which many are beyond our control. But peace is a different story – it is a heart issue. Peace is birthed from a life at rest. Situations beyond the control of the person at rest are left in the hands of an all-powerful, loving and gracious God. Their life is not defined by the swirling winds of change around them but rather the inner peace that comes from a life grounded in God’s pace and plan for their life. Again, this is just another way of expressing someone living a Sabbath life.
I encourage you to join me in our continued study of this concept. Our next service is Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Until them, may God’s gracious presence be with you and give you peace.