December 2011 Update

December 2011 Update

December 2011
Blessings! I just want to share a little information about recent events and some exciting upcoming news!


I saw the Place of the Tabernacle of Moses!


Thank you for your prayers! We have returned from Israel where I taped 29 Manna-Fest programs and experienced a great tour! This year I took the partners to Shiloh, in the heart of Judea-Samaria, and we saw the actual location of where the tabernacle was pitched for 369 years! The stone wall is still there and the dimensions are the same of the tabernacle of Moses! For the main tour the weather was excellent. Be looking for the NEW programs beginning February through May of 2012!


Wal-Mart Exclusive


Wal-Mart asked Strang Communications to print a special Leader Bound edition of the Dreams and Visions book, with a special dream journal in the back. I have a copy and it is a wonderful concept. Wal-Mart has 20,000 of these in their stores for Christmas. When you go to Wal-Mart be sure to look for the book. It is NOT available through the ministry at this time.


A Major Release is coming!


At the conclusion of January, I will be releasing the NEW fourteen hour (seven DVD) series on Breaking the Apocalypse Code. The editors have been working six months on the pictures, charts and footage to enhance each DVD! This is a project I have anticipated for 5 years and NOW is the time to examine the time of the end as never before! Be looking for the release and plan to obtain the series for you and your family!


The exciting inspirational book, "Dancing with Snowmen" is scheduled for print and release on the internet at the beginning of the year. I can't wait for you to read this. I promise you, it will inspire you, build your faith and be one of the most interesting books you have ever read. I know that's saying a lot but the inspiration of this writing is the key and I believe God inspired this from His heart to you!


Our major 2012 spring book will be made available in April, called Opening the Gates of Heaven. It is the most detailed study on Prayer, the Favor of God and how to receive His blessings through giving that I have ever put in one resource. I will tell you more about this later on.



Thank You!


I want to thank each of you that have stood with us in your financial offerings this year. We have reached more souls and have seen more spiritual results this year than at any other time in the ministry's history! With the year end swiftly approaching we ask that all 2011 mail donations be submitted to the ministry by December 15th! This will assist us in preparations for year end receipts.


The offices will be closed December 22 through the 26th.   You have until December 31st to give on line or call the office at (423) 478-3456.  If you have given $200.00 or more in donations (resource purchases cannot be counted) in 2011 a tax receipt will be provided to you from the ministry.


Lord willing we will begin the building project of the OCI facility in a few months! We are excited about what 2012 will bring! Thank you again for your prayers and support of the ministry. 




Perry Stone, Jr.