Devotional Guide for the Week of January 29, 2012
Oops! I was supposed to have posted this yesterday morning and it slipped my mind – sorry! Thanks for reminding me. I promise to try and do better next time
- Read John 20:20-31 – How has NOT seeing Jesus and yet believing on Him been a greater blessing for you than those that did get to see Him?
- Reflection: What do you sense the Holy Spirit wants you to focus on in particular in your 40-day commitment this week?
- Prayer: Complete a new prayer card stating someone else in your family that you commit to pray for this week.
- Read Galatians 6:8-9 – How are you doing in your fasting commitments? Reexamine your commitments with the Holy Spirit to determine if any adjustments need to be made.
- First Sign (Read John 2:1-11) Reexamine this first sign that John gave especially focusing on Jesus’ mother. What can you learn from her?
- Prayer: Jot down notes from a different prayer card that you’ve read and make a commitment to pray for that need throughout the day for this week.
- Read I John 3:2-3 – How are you doing in the mortification of your flesh (purifying yourself) thus far in the 40-days and is there any areas that you need to address?
- Second Sign (Read John 4:46-54) Reexamine the second sign and especially focus on what the nobleman has in common with Mary the mother of Jesus. How can you apply this to your life?
- Prayer: Give a prayer card to someone outside of your family and ask them to complete it and let you put in on the altar in your church. (Pray that God will use this to allow you to be a witness and encouragement.)
- Third Sign (Read John 5:1-9) Examine the third sign and especially verse 8 and determine how the three commands that Jesus spoke can be applied in your life today.
- Study the doctrine of “regeneration” today by reviewing Matthew 19:28 and Titus 3:4-7. (If you have a study bible(s) be sure to use them.
- Be prepared to discuss the doctrine of “regeneration” with someone in the evening service. (See Acts 2:42)
Friday: REST! (No service tonight)
- Read Hebrews 4 – Reflect on the rest that God has provided for his people. Have you entered that rest?
Saturday: (The third of seven Communions.)
- Read John 18-19 in preparation for the Third Communion of the 40-days. These are lengthy passages. I encourage you to read them several times throughout the day and list different things that the Holy Spirits prompts your heart about. Bring this list to church with you for your reflection and prayer time.