Donald Trump Scores Landslide Blowout In Iowa Caucus Setting The Stage For Perhaps The Greatest Comeback In American Political History

Donald Trump Scores Landslide Blowout In Iowa Caucus Setting The Stage For Perhaps The Greatest Comeback In American Political History

Huge win for Donald Trump in the Iowa caucuses on Monday enshrines one of the most astonishing comebacks in American political history.

With 91 felony charges against him, with DA’s like Fani Willis in Georgia conspiring against him, against all odds greater than you could imagine, Donald Trump won in a landslide in Iowa last night. It remains a long road, however, from last night to the White House. Last night’s win only served to remind me about the grim specter of assassination that lurks in the shadows, the last remaining way for the Left to ‘stop Trump’. Nothing is off the table in 2024, including that.

“Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.” Daniel 2:20-22 (KJB)

America in 2024 is a divided, broken nation who, like a car that’s run out of gas, is coasting on fumes but for how much longer? Don’t even bother trying to campaign on a platform of ‘unity’, because that’s not going to happen. America is a nation on the cusp of a second civil war, a scenario being nurtured and promoted by people like former president Barack Obama and the entire phalanx of the liberal media. Could 2024 be the year that the curtain comes down on the longest-running experiment in self-government in human history? That’s the question, and that’s the memo.


Trump’s landslide Iowa win is a stunning show of strength

FROM FAKE NEWS CNN: Losing one-term presidents almost never mount subsequent successful primary campaigns, much less pull off landslides that demonstrate utter dominance of their party. Donald Trump transformed the GOP in his populist, nationalist, nihilistic image in 2016. By claiming 50% of the vote in the biggest win in caucus history, putting him on course to his third consecutive nomination, he showed that eight years after his outsider presidential victory, the current GOP is entirely his party.

“The big night is going to be in November, when we take back our country,” Donald Trump told his first proper victory party since he shocked the world by winning the 2016 election. His MAGA-hat wearing crowd greeted him with chants of “Trump, Trump, Trump” beneath two vast screens reading “Trump wins Iowa!”

But the ex-president’s rebound is more stunning for another reason. He won despite 91 criminal charges and other legal entanglements that threaten his freedom and his fortune. In a head-spinning snapshot of the unprecedented times, he’s expected to show up in a courtroom in Manhattan on Tuesday morning for the opening of a defamation trial.

His Iowa triumph came three years and nine days after he told a mob to “fight like hell” before it ransacked the US Capitol in an attempt to thwart the congressional certification of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win. Trump’s dominance on Monday night shows that among the most committed Republican voters, there is no price for him to pay for the worst attack on an election in modern history. In fact, his successful leveraging of his criminal plight to paint a narrative of persecution is the superpower that renewed his bond with GOP base voters and left his rivals with an impossible conundrum about how to exploit his liabilities.

His caucus victory also demonstrates the success of Trump’s election denial strategy, which has convinced millions of GOP voters of the false belief he was illegally ejected from power in 2020. For Americans who believe Biden’s warning that Trump is the “most anti-democratic president with a small ‘d’ in American history,” Monday night will have sown utter dread.

Trump’s vow to win a second term dedicated to “retribution” against his enemies, his labeling of political opponents as “vermin” and his warnings that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of America, which are reminiscent of 1930s dictators, were no disqualification in Iowa. Instead, the president who attempted to overturn democracy to stay in power used democracy far more effectively than any of his Republican opponents to win an electoral endorsement from GOP voters who want him back in the White House. READ MORE

Donald Trump Wins Big In Iowa

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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