Don’t Be a Mycroft Holmes!
“All lives end. All hearts are broken. Caring is not an advantage.”
__Mycroft Holmes
My dear Grands,
You may not know this about me, but I am a big fan of Sherlock Holmes. When I was your age I was a voracious reader and Sir Author Conan Doyle’s fictitious Sherlock Holmes mysteries were at the top of my list. I read them and re-read them many times.
Sherlock Holmes was like a computerized bloodhound who would ferret out clues that no one else noticed and then relentlessly stay on the trail until he solved the crime.
He was amazing.
But, believe it or not, he had an even smarter brother. His name was Mycroft.
The only problem with Mycroft was that he was lazy. If a problem could be solved from an easy chair, he was your man. But if it required getting up and putting your shoulder to the task, you’d better go with Sherlock.
And that leads me to Proverbs 3:21-22.
My son, do not lose sight of these–
keep sound wisdom and discretion,
and they will be life for your soul.
“Sound wisdom.” That seems a little odd doesn’t it? You’d think that all wisdom was sound (logical, rational). What are we in danger of missing here?
Enter Mycroft Holmes.
Mycroft had a lot of wisdom. He knew a lot of things. He could connect the dots. He could see what the problem was. But he wasn’t willing to get up and do something about it.
Remember this, wisdom comes with a responsibility. To know is to do. Discretion is required. You must not start solving problems with a hammer when a gentle touch would do. But one way or another, God put you on this planet to make a difference. And that difference will happen not just because you are wise enough to know there’s a problem, but you are committed enough to be a part of the solution.
Bottom line, God didn’t bring you into this world to sit on the sidelines. Get out there! Be a player. Be a difference-maker!
I will be praying for you and cheering for you all the way!
Love, Papa