Duties of the LMR (local church missions representative):
The LMR is appointed by the pastor and acts as the key force for missions activity and promotion in the local church. The LMR works with the pastor and church leadership to establish and maintain a World Missions program in the following ways:
· Communicates with World Missions, missionaries and missions personnel about the church’s selected missions projects.
· Prepares periodic reports about the church’s missions activity.
· Distributes Save Our World magazine and other missions publications to church members.
· Maintains a missions bulletin board or interest center in a high traffic area of the church. (Materials and suggestions for keeping this area fresh and interesting are available from your state missions representative or World Missions.
· Keeps missions prayer requests before the church.
· Finds creative ways to help the pastor emphasize World Missions during regularly scheduled services and gatherings.
· Works with all church departments to ensure a consistent missions emphasis in their programs. (The Church of God offers many age-appropriate programs for missions awareness. They include: Mission Possible, YWEA, Men and Women of Action, People for Care and Learning, Children of the World and Operation Compassion.)
· Is or serves on the church’s missions committee.
· Works with the missions committees or other local church leaders/laity to organize an annual World Missions Conference.
· Performs other missions-related tasks as assigned by the pastor.
For more information about LMRs or to find out how you can fill that role in your local church, contact your state missions board chairman or World Missions. You can also get more information by contacting Judy Pyeatt at [email protected] or call 1-800-345-7492, ext. 7366.