Emails you love….
I got Chavonda’s permission to post this. Be encouraged that God DOES still heal and deliver!!! Oh, what ONE prayer can do! so more than counselors, Dr.s and medications!!! Praise God!
Hi Pastor Jeremy,
This is Chavonda, you prayed for me Wednesday night after service. Words could not express how I am feeling right now. I have been on a spiritual high ever since Wednesday. I would like to confess and testify that I have been healed and set free from depression. I was so distraught that night that I knew that I really needed prayer. My depression seemed to have been getting worse and I could no longer relate or identify with myself. I felt as if someone else had taken control of my body and mind and I was a robot or a foreigner to my own body. The prayer that you prayed over me was so powerful. The enemy chains have been broken in my life. Like the Bible says he come to steal, kill, and destroy. But God is all Powerful and Mighty and He broke that spirit of depression and set me free. I have not felt this good in awhile. It feels as if I could run a marathon, I am so overflowed with Love and the sense and presence of God around me right now I feel like my heart is about to explode with the power of his love right now. It is a feeling beyond words. Thank you so much Pastor Jeremy for prayer and holding my hand when I was on the floor crying my heart out to God in joy because I knew that it (spirit of depression) was broken and I was going to be alright. IT IS BROKEN!!!!!! HALLELUJAH. PRAISE TO THE MOST HIGH GOD. I HAVE BEEN SET FREE AND HEALED. THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU. I WILL CONTINUE TO PRAISE HIM.
(By the way, in her follow-up email-she walked two miles, feels even better, praising God all the louder—well you just read it for yourselves
Pastor Jeremy,
I just got back from a 2 mile walk have not had the strength to do that in awhile it really felt good, but of course you are more than welcome to use my testimony on your blog and you don’t have to remove my name if you want to use my name, then do so. Again, thank you… and like you said many people do need deliverance and I realized that there is a real war in the spiritual realm that’s taking place this very moment, a battle over our souls, between good and evil. But we worship a real God and He is All Powerful. Jeremy you have no idea how I feel right now. I could not even put it in words, for words would not express or do it justice the power of Love that God is showing me, my heart is overflowed with joy and feels though I cannot contain it, its just that powerful. Again, thank you for being a great and anointed man of God and for obeying the calling on your life to be a pastor. God has some great things in store for you and He is going to use you and continue to use you mightly to advance His kingdom. Stay strong in Christ.