Engaging a New Generation of Ministers

Posted on February 20, 2008 by winfieldb
We are living in an exciting time where God is raising up a new generation of ministers who have a bold vision and a sincere passion for ministry. There are many emerging ministers who are stepping out in faith to answer the call of God on their life. Dr. Lamar Vest said, I am amazed at what God is doing through a new generation of Church of God ministers. However, later he warns, The Church of God is at a crossroad of history. We will either make way for a new generation of leaders or we will stymie our potential as a viable movement.
Statistics show that there are fewer people entering into the ministry than are leaving. In a conversation with fellow pastors, many of them observed that there are fewer and fewer young ministers attending denominational meetings. A part of the problem is that the older generation of ministers has not embraced the younger generation of leaders. It is important to make room for the next generation of ministers. New leaders need to take their place of ministry in order for God to continue to bless the Church of God. There are new ministries waiting to be started by those who dare to step outside of the box. We need to encourage and equip this new generation of ministers to pursue the call of God on their lives. Continue reading →
Filed under: church of god, COG Blog, emerging church, leadership, missional church | 6 Comments »

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