Entrusted Because You’re Trusted

15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability (Matthew 25:15, NKJV)

I remember arguing with my dad one weekend after I had just gotten my driver’s license.  I had asked to borrow the car and dad said no.   

Using a timeless phrase that generations of teenagers have used, I responded, “You don’t trust me!”

Dad had the perfect comeback that ended the conversation.  He said, “But son, I do trust you, I trust you to be sixteen.”  (I’ve used that comeback a few times with own children!)

I think that is exactly what is going on in Jesus’ story in Matthew 25 about how His kingdom works.

It’s like a mom who is going to step out for an hour or two to do a little shopping. 

She tells her five year old, “Sally, I want you to clean up your room.  Put your toys away, pick up your dirty cloths and put them in the laundry basket.”

Then she looks at her twelve old and says, “Steve, clean up your room, take out the trash, and do your homework.  And no video games until you’re finished!”

And finally she looks at her fifteen year old and says, “Mary, I’m leaving you in charge.  Keep an eye on your brother and sister, make them a sandwich for lunch, empty the dishwasher, do your homework and make sure your brother and sister do what I told them to do.”

Now just because Mary has the most responsibility doesn’t mean mom loves her more.  Or because mom went easier on Steve and Sally doesn’t mean she loves them more.  Being her children, she couldn’t love them anymore than she does.  With her assignments, mom is not making a value statement, she is assigning responsibility according to their ability.

Jesus does the same. 

He doesn’t have a pecking order where he demonstrates how much He loves us by how much He gives us.  Jesus could not love you anymore than He already does.  He loves you fully and completely. 

What He has put in your hands is not evidence of His love, it is evidence of your current maturity and ability. 

You don’t have to compete with anyone to gain His favor.

You don’t have to feel less than when others appear to have more.

You are loved, fully and completely.

And here’s one more thing…

Unless you think Jesus doesn’t know what He’s doing, then you can be assured, that you can handle your current responsibilities.  Why?  Because you’re not trusting other’s opinion of you or even your opinion of you; you’re trusting Jesus’ opinion of you and you can have peace that He would not have put you in the situation you’re in if you could not handle it.

The ONE THING for today: You can be assured that what has been entrusted to you is due to you being trusted.    

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash