First the Mormons, now the Catholics… When in the world will the #COG start an advertising campaign with commercials and all??? #OurCOG ourCOG June 28, 2023 10:18 pm #ourCOG 1 First the Mormons, now the Catholics… When in the world will the #COG start an advertising campaign with commercials and all??? #OurCOG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets, commercials, mormons, start By ourCOG Related Posts What Backdrop? #ourCOG #ourCOG @screaminlunatic You’re welcome, assuming you’re a man. Because in #OurCOG we don’t follow women just ask my mentor the @SoddyProphet. If you’re any type of church leader (or a follower, for that matter) YOU need to read this by @renovatuspastor. #OurCOG @revkevinwalker can’t wait for the NE & Iowa game on black FRI #ourCOG