Following A. J. Tomlinson’s passing
During the presbytery meeting following A. J. Tomlinson’s passing, a message in tongues and interpretation was given which said, “Bring forth the younger son.” The younger son was Milton Ambrose Tomlinson, who was about to turn 37 years old. M. A. was pastoring a church in Kentucky when he was informed that he had been divinely selected as the New General Overseer. M. A. humbly submitted to his calling. M. A. was confirmed as the General Overseer in the Assembly in 1944. His older brother Homer Tomlinson was overcome with jealousy toward his younger brother. He felt that it was his destiny to become the succeeding General Overseer and assume his father’s mantle. Before the end of the year of 1943, Homer left the Church taking with him a small group of followers. He established his own version of the Church of God with international headquarters at Queens New York. In the years proceeding his departure from the Church, Homer would adorn a robe and a crown calling himself “the king of the world or king of all nations.” He attempted to run for president of the United States and founded the “Theocratic Party” in 1952 and establish the U. S. as a theocratic nation. Which of course he failed at. Homer estimated that he traveled “over a million miles by air, spreading blessings, fulfilling ancient prophecies and claimed 101 nations for his own.” He has wrote many books and songs, and spoke some 20 or 30 languages. Homer Tomlinson passed away in 1968. And the church he established would move their headquarters from Queens Village, NY to Huntsville Alabama there after. Young Tomlinson continued the work of his father. Under his leadership the Church grew from twenty countries into over ninety. The number of local churches grew from just under 1,400 to over 5,500. Kent worked arduously on the Fields of the Wood project, and upon it’s completion quickly gained world-wide recognition as a “Religious Theme Park.” The Church was being ushered into a time of unprecedented growth and recognition unlike any other time throughout the annuals of Church history. In 1948 the first single engine airplane was purchased to start the “White Angel Fleet.” The airplanes would fly over cities and towns and drop tracts upon them. Fulfilling Dt. 32:2. The Church would eventually own over 100 airplanes, the largest non-commercial, non-military fleet in the world. A. oversaw the building of a 10,000-seat tabernacle, a new headquarters building and a recording studio for the radio, television, and music ministries. The office complex (World Headquarters), the White Wing Publishing House, the Voice of Salvation radio and Television ministries began in 1955 which would reach around the world in several languages. During Tomlinson’s administration, the Church saw the expansion of the Homes for Children ministry (5 orphanages outside the U. S.). And the Bible Training Institute ministries (64 short-term schools) made it into many locations around the world. He also instituted Youth Camps and Retreat Ministries nationally and internationally, a fully accredited college offering both Associates and Bachelors degrees. He further established the ministerial Aid Department to assist retired ministers and their widows. On May 2, 1952 after a long battle in the Sessions Court of Bradley County, Cleveland Tennessee, the presiding Judge ordered Tomlinson’s group to include the suffix, “of Prophecy,” to distinguish them from the other “Church of God (Elders). The judge could clear see from the evidence presented that the Church of God under the Leadership of M. A. Tomlinson was in fact the Church of God of the Bible for they were fulfilling Bible prophecies concerning the Church. The suffix was primarily given for mailing purposes as each group had been receiving the others mail. Four years later in 1957, Grady Kent would defect from the Church. He strongly opposed the ruling that the General Assembly is the highest tribunal on earth, and believed he possessed the spirit of John the Baptist and John the Revelator. He left the Church and he too, would start his own church calling it Church of God for all Nations (Jerusalem Acres), and once again a small group of followers would be in tow behind him. The Church of God grew in every respect. The Church gained recognition, acclaim, finances, properties, assets, holdings, converts, sheep, and their share of grievous wolves not sparing the flock. In the 1980’s these wolves began to sway the sheep into liberalism, exclaiming that the Church was too stringent and had to change with the times. M. A. Tomlinson managed to hold the Church together until May 2, 1990. On this date a group of presbyters banded together to force the 84 year old man of God out of his God given office. They forced Tomlinson to step down using his diminishing health as their grounds to remove him from office. Tomlinson complied to their unholy request. One at the meeting boasted, “Now we got that little man out of the way, we can do what we want.” Theocracy was trampled on the floor and thrown out the window. The theocratic process of “it seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us” was replaced with a form of democracy and a voting process ensued. The man they were to approve was Billy Murray who had been Tomlinson’s right-hand man. But many opposed, and some refrained from voting altogether. Those that opposed was overruled and Murray was placed in as interim General Overseer, and at the following Assembly in August, theocracy was once again thrown out, and Murray became the next General Overseer by the arm of flesh and not by the will of God. The Church was shipwrecked, man had taken control of the helm of the old Ship of Zion and ran her into the ground. It has been the practice of the Church of God for the General Overseer to serve till death, as Moses, Joshua, James (the Lord’s brother), and A. J. Tomlinson had. M. A. Tomlinson surely had this in mind when he told the presbytery, “I’m not dead yet.” But to no avail, they shut their ears and invited the Holy Ghost to leave their presence and they did only as it it pleased themselves. From 1991 to 1993 a time of mourning was felt by those that refused to go the way of error, yielding themselves in times of intense fasting and prayer till they would hear from heaven. They were “concerned about the preservation of theocracy and Bible doctrine; The Church of God.” They openly expressed their concerns with tears in their eyes, only to fall upon def ears. They were mocked, shunned, and even scorned. Sarcastically labeled as “the Concerns” they found themselves on the outside looking in. But they would not relent till God answered their cry. Many of the ministry had their licenses revoked because they would not accept the man-appointed General Overseer. Things only got worse. Truly those in charge were doing as they pleased. Their attention turned to the 29 prominent teachings given by the Holy Ghost to the Church. Soon changes were made to the 26th teaching, Against wearing gold for ornament, and the 29th teaching, Against Divorce and remarriage. What was once was the Bride of Christ adorned for Her Bridegroom, now resembled a harlot. The Holy Ghost began to answer the “Concerns” cry for help, messages in tongues and interpretations began to come forth such as, “I have a Church within a church, a People within a people, a Nation within a nation.” and finally, “separate yourselves from that un-theocratic government.” Then the Holy Ghost called for an Solemn Assembly, and July 24, 1993 theocracy was restored, making it 70 years to the day that God intervened for His Church in 1923. At the Solemn Assembly, God called for His chosen man to lead the Church: Robert J. Pruitt. Pruitt was 67 years old and had retired from the ministry, but stepped forth and humbly accepted his calling. Robert Pruitt was born on January 16, 1926 in Dabney Arkansas. He received his elementary and secondary education in the public school systems of Arkansas and Missouri. He had went on to receive a college education at Jones University (B. A. 1951) and University of Alabama and the University of Tennessee (M. Ed. 1964). His secular work was as a teacher and principle in the public schools of of Missouri and Iowa. As a minister in The Church of God (of Prophecy), he served as pastor, Principle of Tomlinson Memorial School, Sunday School Editor, President of Tomlinson College, Radio ministry for “The Voice of Salvation,” Assistant Editor of The White Wing Messenger, and State Overseer of Missouri. The original doctrine, and the original government, and the original name: The Church of God would be restored under his leadership. The Church was restored and made entire once again. At the 60th General Assembly, 1963 the attorney for Tomlinson and the Church of God, Virgil Carmichael prophetically said: “In that glorious day it (the Church) would leave the words ‘of Prophecy’ behind and it will be ‘The Church of God.” And that glorious day had come! She left behind made-made governments, man-made doctrines, man-made creeds, and man-made suffixes, and rose once again in the power and might of God Almighty. God restored His favor and His glory upon them as being The Church of God! M.A. Tomlinson’s health continued to worsen. As he laid in his bed weakened, frail, and quite ill some of the ministry came to visit him, and Tomlinson ever concerned for the Church he served all his life (47 years of as General Overseer) asked, “How’s the Church?,” “It’s fine” they told him. But Tomlinson persisted, “How’s the Church doing?” Finally they told him, “Not good.” “I feared this would happen.” Tomlinson replied. Then on April 26, 1995 Tomlinson passed on to be with the Father. Religion Editor, Bettie Marlowe said of M. A. Tomlinson, “His love makes him special. I’ve seen him put his arms around a wayward member or a troubled minister, pulling them back into the circle of his care. And I’ve heard him reprove with such love that they walk away feeling 10 feet tall. It’s as though he can’t see the faults in people for seeing their needs. And for those needs he knows just whom to talk to. He never thought it was too great a burden to live his life in such a way as to please God and not to offend people. As I listened to this great leader render his resignation as general Overseer of the Church, I cried. It was one more selfless act of love for the Church that he has served for more than 46 years.” Part 3
Under the leadership of Robert Pruitt, The Church of God would endure a few bumps in the road along the way. In 2005 Danny L. Carter would lead souls away from the Church. The following year in the summer of 2006, the same spirit that took hold of the Council of Elders in 1921-1923, and the presbyters in 1990-1993, would take hold of more presbyters and pressure Pruitt to retire so that they could do as they please. At that presbytery meeting theocracy would once again be abandoned and Satan would have his man to ascend the mantle of God’s Church. Stephen Smith organized a hostile takeover of the Church, and placed himself in as the General Overseer. Many of the Overseers sat in disbelief that after only thirteen years that same spirit would be able to manifest itself again. Though Smith was not placed in office by unanimous agreement he nonetheless was appointed as Interim General Overseer. At the following Assembly that year, Smith managed to assume control of the Assembly and the Church and placed himself in as General Overseer. A small group (around 60) that once again found themselves “concerned” for Bible doctrine, and government, on September 3, 2006 met at the Trivoli Auditorium where God called for James C. Nabors to lead the Church as His General Overseer. James C. Nabors was once again an unlikely candidate for the office. In that Smith and his followers had done a good job of defaming his good name and reputation. Much like the Elders group did with A. J. Tomlinson in 1921-1923. Making accusations of theft and other unproven conduct unbecoming to that of a man having authority, and one having God’s favor. However, these false claims actually was a benefit, it not only revealed the spirit within those standing with Smith, but it also revealed who was listening to the rumors and here-say of man and who was listening to the Spirit. James C. Nabors was divinely selected, divinely appointed, and divinely accepted by unanimous agreement as it “seems good to the Holy Ghost and to us.” The greatest chapter in Church history is yet to be wrote. For one day soon She will make Herself ready and go to be with Christ Her Bridegroom and eternal love. This chapter will not find it’s way upon the pages of earthen books, but there in Heaven.