“For I have come down from heaven, not to do…
“For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me”- John 6:38
Some Oneness Pentecostals, to avoid the plainness of the passage, actually assert that the identity of the speaker here is the Holy Spirit and not the Son!
However, as I brought this point out before in debate, in John 6:38 – (generally) – the verbal action of the aorist (πέμψαντός -“having sent” by the Father) is antecedent to the action of the perfect main verb (καταβέβηκα- “I have come down”).
Thus, the action of the Son NOT ποιῶ (doing) His “own” will, but doing the “distinct” will of the Father, occurred before the action of the Son coming down to earth —viz. before the action of the Father sending Him.
I see two important points here as it relates to the Trinity- 1) the referential identity of the speaker was clearly and contextually the preincarnate person of the Son and 2) the eternal Son possessed a distinct (not separate) will from that of the will of the Father- i.e., before coming to earth, in His incarnational existence.
Holy, holy, holy, God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
– Edward Dalcour