From "Good" To Great
There on the hilltop once called Golgotha but now forever redeemed as Calvary, hung a perfect, blameless man who was God. There, let us zoom our focus in on that person, Jesus, who was being sacrificed instead of you or me. He was paying the wages of our sins, which was death. With that payment, we received our salvation, freedom, healing, and life here on earth and for eternity in heaven.
His love for you covers a multitude of sins. His love is like a roof on a home. It covers me as a refuge to run to and find shelter.
His love for you believes there is greatness inside you. His love for you believes for the best in you. His love for you gives you the benefit of the doubt.
His love for you goes a few steps beyond just believing, its called hoping the best for you. God believing in you solely has you in His focus. By hoping, God takes into account the crazy, hopeless situations staring you in the face. In the middle of pain, troubles, temptations, hopelessness, His love for you hopes beyond your realities. He can see the silver lining on that cloud in your life. Jesus has a positive and forward outlook for your life.
His love for you is unending, unfailing, and unrelenting. His love for you perseveres. He endured the cross because His joy was to see you restored to Him.
In Hebrews 12:2, we read, "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne."
Let me encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Have a stare-down if you'd like with Him. (I promise, He will probably will make you blink or even tear up first.)
Enjoy The Ride,
Pastor Cee
When we see Jesus on the cross, we must see mercy, wrath, justice, forgiveness, commitment, obedience, courage, power, humility, faith, hope, and the greatest of all, LOVE.

His love for you covers a multitude of sins. His love is like a roof on a home. It covers me as a refuge to run to and find shelter.
His love for you believes there is greatness inside you. His love for you believes for the best in you. His love for you gives you the benefit of the doubt.
His love for you goes a few steps beyond just believing, its called hoping the best for you. God believing in you solely has you in His focus. By hoping, God takes into account the crazy, hopeless situations staring you in the face. In the middle of pain, troubles, temptations, hopelessness, His love for you hopes beyond your realities. He can see the silver lining on that cloud in your life. Jesus has a positive and forward outlook for your life.
His love for you is unending, unfailing, and unrelenting. His love for you perseveres. He endured the cross because His joy was to see you restored to Him.
In Hebrews 12:2, we read, "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne."
Let me encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Have a stare-down if you'd like with Him. (I promise, He will probably will make you blink or even tear up first.)
He started a good work on that "Good Friday". He's not done with that work in your life even until this moment. His goal and desire is for greatness in your life, for your life, and through your life. Allow me to lead you or just point you to the cross and introduce you to Jesus.
Only He, with the greatest love of all, can take you FROM GOOD TO GREAT!
Enjoy The Ride,
Pastor Cee