Further Thoughts on Redemption…
We are certainly not as familiar with the original usage of redemption as we would like to think. (Pop culture loves to over use this term; leaning toward payback or comeback). Redemption refers to the practice of buying back prisoners of war out of their captivity. A stronger, larger enemy had them in a foreign land under their power. Their rightful place was in their homeland. They could be restored to freedom through the ‘ransom’. Another use, maybe a little more familiar to us; in reference to the release of a slave by the payment of a particular price.
Doulos of sin. Slave of sin. Paul saw us as slaves. Galatians 5:1, Rom. 6:23, I Cor. 6:20; 7:23.
Redemption: Christ, through the Cross bought us out of slavery and took away ALL our sin and gave unto us His infinite righteousness. That’s redemption……I once was lost but now I am found; blind but now I see…