Get Out There Where Its Loud!

20 Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the open squares.
21 She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city. She speaks her words
: Proverbs 1:20-21

Here’s the deal, you don’t gain wisdom hiding away from life.

Some of my happiest moments are when I am hid away in my study reading, reflecting, and writing.  But eventually, I must come out of my “man cave”.  For life was not meant to be lived in seclusion and isolation.  It was meant to be lived “outside” in the open squares and chief concourses. 

Yes, you need quiet time and recoup time.  But don’t be afraid to live.  Don’t be afraid to be jostled in the sometimes rough and tough tumble of life. God has many wonderful things for you to do and learn…out there.

But remember this, just like a bright light can blind you and a loud noise can drown out the sound of an important phone call, so the noise and clamor of life can drown out the voice of God. 

Here’s a good question to always ask when things get loud: “What is God saying to me through this?”

Go get ‘em!  Get out there and live!  You got a lot of exciting things to learn and a lot of wonderful thing to do.

I’m right behind you…right after I read one more chapter. 🙂