Giver of Life
This song (actually, a lot of Darrell Mansfield's music) was a huge source of help, comfort and strength to me as a baby Christian. I'd not heard this song in years until I found it last night on Spotify. I'd just come home from talking with a young lady who is searching and struggling at times in her walk, and our talk left me pretty emotional as was drawn back to the early days in my walk with Christ and I was reminded so acutely and powerfully of just where the Lord had brought me from. I found this video of the song and wanted to share it. For some young Christians, I hope this helps you to know that the grace of God goes so much deeper than you could ever imagine and that you KNOW that God will never give up on you, if you just trust in His son, Jesus. For you old timers like me... I hope this helps remind you of two things: 1) Never forget where God has brought you from, and 2) Don't place demands and limitations on babes in Christ that God Himself does not impose on them! Grace! Grace! Grace!
Can a man go so far in this world that the love of God cannot reach him?
Can man say anything deep in his heart he can't really mean?
If a man goes on falling, yes day and night
And the Giver of Life, can't lead him to light
Then I don't understand, and I don't know God's grace, at all.
Can a man go so far in this world that the love of God cannot find him?
Can a man do anything that the blood of Jesus cannot cleanse?
If a man goes on sinning day and night
And the Giver of Life, can't lead him to light
Then I don't understand and I don't know God's plan, at all.
But I know who I have believed in.
I'm persuaded He is able to keep me
Cause I was that man, who believed His plan
And the Giver of Life, well He led me to light.
You were so understanding, and so undemanding on me
Thank you Lord
It was so kind of You, to help pull me through
When I could barely see
Though I keep on falling, yes day and night
You show me the way, and You give me Your light
Cause Your the Giver of Life,
You lead me to light
Yes, I know who I have believed in.
I'm persuaded He is able to keep me
Cause I was that man, who believed His plan
And the Giver of Life, well He led me to light.