God Is Delaying for You! :: By Stephen Meehan

The Word of God – the Bible – informs us that Jesus Christ is coming back to Earth to rule and reign for a thousand years from the city of Jerusalem in Israel. His second coming will be in two stages: first, He will come back for those Christians who are presently trusting in Him by faith and will take them to Heaven; and secondly, He will come back approximately seven years later with His Body of Believers – the Church – to set up His worldwide government from the Jewish State.

In the interim, He is allowing just a bit more time for non-believers to accept Christ for their salvation before the worst time in human history is unleashed upon the world. A seven-year time frame will engulf the world in what Jesus describes as the most horrendous period ever, and He is pleading with you now to accept His free offer to escape what is on the horizon. Will you be wise enough to take His free offer and avoid what is coming?

To those of us who study Bible prophecy, we see the signs all around the globe that the prophesied seven-year period called the Tribulation can be only moments away.

The Rapture of the Church for Christ’s true followers is an imminent event, and no signs are needed to herald its soon coming. But the Tribulation “week” of years has many indicators that point to its nearness, and the current conditions of the world leave no mistake that it will very soon get underway.

God has been very patient to allow sin to abound during these End Times in a variety of grotesque manifestations, but His grace can only extend so far before even He will say enough, and His wrath will then be poured out upon the planet due to the unquenching lust for ungodly behavior and for rejecting His free gift of salvation through His son Jesus Christ.

Will it be worth it to continue to say no to God and then have to endure what is coming soon and then maybe have to spend an eternity in anguish and regret? The answer should be obvious.

Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation detail the worsening condition of life on Earth after Christ first removes His saints via the Rapture. While Christians will be safely out of harm’s way in God’s Kingdom, the forces of evil will be allowed to prosper in forming a human-satanic world government, and with each passing day of this seven-year judgment period, the world will witness an ever-increasing level of chaos, strife, pandemics, racial and ethnic tensions, wars and calamities.

Life will become unbearable. Jesus even says in Matthew 24 that unless He returns after seven years of this Hell on Earth, no flesh would be saved. It will be an unprecedented time of human suffering, never to be repeated. God wants you to miss it. God is delaying it – for now.

So, the Christians will be gone out of the world before this time starts. Jesus will descend out of Heaven and will call His own to meet Him in the air above the world, where He will then escort us into His Heaven.

He has been busy for the past 2,000 years or so preparing a place for us in the Father’s House, and there we will enjoy the glories of Paradise. There will be a reward ceremony where believers will be rewarded for their service to Christ. Every saint will stand before Him, and He will dole out His crowns and medals or treasures to the Christian, with the level of reward being dependent on our value of service to Him. This will far and away supersede any Olympic ceremony ever performed or witnessed! Better to be a participant of this ceremony in Heaven than to experience God’s wrath taking place on Earth.

This will also be a time for Christians to be reunited with friends or family who have preceded us in death and who have been waiting for this grand reunion of loved ones. Those who have missed out on the Rapture will be experiencing on Earth something completely different. Take action now to avoid having to go through what is certainly coming according to God’s Word!

Back on Earth, after the evacuation of possibly millions of followers of Christ, extreme panic sets in. The world has drastically changed. People will feel a pall that hangs in the air. The world feels different; it feels darkened. Evil will be on the rise. Life is instantly more precarious. Fear will grip the inner being of each individual. Hope will wane.

It is much more than just a sense of something that is not right. Despair creeps in as people come to realize that whatever some crazy Christian may have warned them about regarding the future is now coming to fruition. They are gone; we are still here. Why didn’t I pay more attention or heed their warnings? I should have listened and not equated their warnings to nonsense.

The Bible says that the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit that indwells each true believer will be removed with the Rapture of the Church. God, being omnipresent, will still be present everywhere, but the Restrainer – the Holy Spirit – working within the Body of Christ, will be suddenly gone, and the forces of evil will have a more effective ability to wreak havoc across the world’s landscape. God is still in control, but He will allow Satan and his minions – fallen angels or demons working along with willing human agents – to carry out their nefarious agenda.

God will incrementally pour out his wrath onto a Christ-rejecting world via a series of seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls or vials of judgments. With each passing judgment, life becomes more and more harsh. All of these punishments are taking place while Satan has his antichrist figure taking control of the world and sending out his hordes to control every aspect of life on the planet and to kill off those who don’t go along with his agenda.

As horrific as the Holocaust was, Satan and his False Prophet will have their own Inquisitions and Crusades to root out and destroy both Jews and Christians in a worldwide campaign. They will actually go after ALL who refuse to swear allegiance to the Beast or Antichrist – as the Bible refers to him – by not accepting his mark or number on their hand or forehead. Refusing the mark will instantly identify someone as a nonconformist or a new believer in Christ. Death will be the sentence for such an infraction. Far better to accept Christ now and avoid these measures.

The Bible tells us that there will be many people who will accept Jesus during the Tribulation. But they will face almost certain martyrdom for bucking the system and for worshipping Jesus then, and not Satan or his antichrist.

Salvation will still be available, but it will come at a terrible cost. You may have to watch your loved ones getting tortured or beheaded or both. Satan will take no prisoners. He wants worship, and if you refuse it, examples will be made of non-compliant people in an effort to dissuade other folks from accepting Christ. Say yes to Jesus today!

This will not be a fun time. Life will be far from normal. We are already witnessing a preview of what is to come. More restrictions are being implemented in every facet of governance.

Satan hates the Jews and has his antisemites rioting and protesting against Israel and the Jewish people all over the world. Leftist WOKE agendas are on the increase. Borders are wide open to allow in miscreants and those who don’t conform to the norms and mores of the host nations that the illegal migrants are invading. Governments are out of control. World leaders are corrupt, inept, and are establishing laws that inflict pain on their citizens.

The time is ripe for Satan’s antichrist world figure to assume control. Western nations are weakening their countries from within and are inviting in from the outside forces that will tear apart the fabric of peace and security. All of that is, by design, to prepare for the arrival of the soon-coming world government. We are not far away at all from the beginning of this judgment.

Are you prepared for what is coming? Are you safeguarding the well-being of your family by getting them to accept Jesus now before it is too late?

Again, you can still get saved during the Tribulation, but why wait and suffer due to putting it off? The logic of waiting to see if it will all transpire the way the Bible describes what is coming is not rational.

God is not in the business of lying; He is in the saving business. He is not out to trip you up. That is the other guy’s job description.

God wants you saved now and to avoid what is almost here. By saying yes to Christ now, you can be saved in an instant. He will soon come for you if you do accept His free gift of salvation, and the seven years in Heaven will be far more enjoyable than witnessing God’s wrath fall on planet Earth.

You will be safe in the Father’s House instead of fleeing the antichrist’s worldwide pursuit of Christians and Jews. You will dine fabulously at the Father’s table during the Marriage Supper of the Lamb versus starving during the extreme famine that will encompass the globe.

The Rapture will happen soon; the Christians will be gone. The Tribulation will then get underway; worldwide upheaval and death will then commence. Sound like something to avoid?

Rewards or judgment? The choice is yours. God wants you to choose Jesus. Satan wants to deceive you with the antichrist and his hellish campaign.



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